Is it just me who is scared of the events in the middle east? I agree that most of the leaders are horrible, but I am afraid of revolutions based on faith. I would be scared if fundamentalist Christians took over the Whitehouse and what is going on in the middle east is pretty damn scary. People who are willing to wage battle in the name of faith are difficult to reason with.
What amazes me is that I hear so little about it in conversation. It is almost like in America we are so into our own little world that unless you are an avid cnn watcher people know little and care less. This will effect us and not just because of the price of oil, which is about to skyrocket. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, by a lot. There are mosques going up all over the country. Rarley do I go to a Walmart or restaurant where I don't see a woman in a head scarf. Islam is here and it is growing fast. Predjudice against our Muslim nabors is not going to get us anywhere. The oppressed always fight back. It may take a long time, but history is littered with examples of it. We are going to have to learn to understand and accept the culture as it is practiced. If we don't we may see revolution on our doorstep, maybe not tomorrow, but it will come.
I send this thought out into the void.
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